9 Tips to Avoid Motion Sickness (Traveling with Kids)

Should motion sickness keep your family from traveling? No way! If your child or you suffer from motion sickness, there are plenty of options to avoid or overcome the nausea and headache caused by movement. My daughter and I often get motion sick while traveling by boat, airplane, or car. But this doesn’t keep us from flying, cruising, or road-tripping. Read these nine tips to avoid motion sickness while traveling with kids. I also share what to do if someone in your family does become ill.

Facing the direction you're headed can help avoid seasickness
Facing the direction you’re headed can help avoid seasickness on a boat (Photo credit: shalamov, Depositphotos.com)

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1. Use ginger to relieve nausea.

Remember how your mom offered you a glass of ginger ale when you were a kid and you had the stomach flu? Well, she was onto something. Ginger is a natural aid that may help relieve an upset tummy. Ask for ginger tablets at a natural foods store or check out Gin Gins hard candy.

Gin-Gins Ginger Candy relieves motion sickness
Gin-Gins Ginger Candy (Photo from Amazon)

2. Take your mind off motion sickness.

Use distraction! Take your child’s mind off queasiness by softly reading a book aloud. You could also play music or audiobooks on headphones, or queue up a movie on an iPad or other tablet. Anything requiring too much thinking, like making crafts or playing travel games, may worsen things.

Listening to music or an audiobook distracts children from the feeling of motion sickness while traveling
Listening to music or an audiobook distracts children from motion sickness (Photo credit: vsurkov, Depositphotos.com)

3. Use anti-nausea medication.

Pack an anti-nausea medication, like Dramamine, which comes in a chewable tablet for children. These work best if taken an hour before travel. My daughter and I both have had success with these medications on cruise ships, bumpy flights, and twisting car rides. Buy Children’s Dramamine from Amazon now.

Dramamine Motion Sickness Chewable for Kids
Dramamine Motion Sickness Chewable for Kids (Photo credit: Amazon.com)

4. Choose your seats carefully.

Sit in the area of the airplane (over the wings) or boat (in the center) with the least motion. If cruising, be sure not to reserve a stateroom too far below deck.

Face the direction in which you are traveling and look out at the horizon, if possible. Adults can often avoid motion sickness by taking over driving duty when in a car.

Sea-Band Nausea Relief for Motion Sickness
Sea-Band Nausea Relief for motion sickness (Photo from Amazon.com)

5. Try acupressure.

Wear acupressure wristbands, like those by Sea-Bands. These bands stimulate a point on the wrist that acupuncturists and acupressurists believe relieves nausea. I have a friend who wore these throughout the first few months of her pregnancy, and she swears by their effectiveness. My daughter and I often wear them on flights, too.

If you don’t have Sea-Bands, place three fingers on your wrist below your hand. Press hard on that point with your other hand’s fingers and thumb. I often do this when turbulence starts on airplanes, and I don’t want to dig for my bands.

Blue Diamond Cocoa-Dusted Almonds in Travel Packs
Blue Diamond Cocoa-Dusted Almonds in Travel Packs (Photo from Amazon.com)

6. Stick to small protein-filled snacks.

Experts say not to eat a large meal before traveling. Instead, eat small high-protein snacks every couple of hours and avoid having an empty stomach.

Don’t count on the airline to feed your family. Bring along your own travel snacks. I love Blue Diamond Cocoa Almonds because they are a chocolatey treat with little sugar packed with protein. Plus, they come in convenient 100-calorie packs.

Open a window in a car to relieve motion sickness
Open a window in a car to relieve motion sickness (Photo credit: Reanas, Depositphotos.com)

7. Get some fresh air.

Fresh air works wonders whenever possible! I always try to sit on the deck of any small watercraft.

When the waters got rough on our family’s Catamaran trip in Maui, my husband brought our then-toddler daughter below deck to keep her from getting soaked. However, the cool water splashing on my face and the wind whipping through my hair helped ease my motion sickness.

Our daughter, on the other hand, threw up all over my poor hubby. Better him than me, my friends!

Queasy Pops for nausea relief
Queasy Pops (Photo from Amazon.com)

8. Try a sweet distraction.

Try a Queasy Pops lollipop, which contains essential oils that may calm nausea. I haven’t tried these personally, but I’ve heard good things from pregnant moms with morning sickness. Plus, a sweet treat might soothe a sick child, even if just psychologically.

Essential oils for travel
Essential oils for travel (Photo credit: duskbabe, Depositphotos.com)

9. Use essential oils.

Essential oils may help alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness. Try ginger, peppermint, or a digestive blend to help soothe queasiness. Personally, I use and trust doTerra essential oils. Read more about using essential oils for travel.

Don't let motion sickness ruin your family's travels!
Don’t let motion sickness ruin your family’s travels! (Photo credit: Travel Mamas)

Keep Traveling with Kids

Don’t let motion sickness keep your family from traveling the world. Use these nine tips to soothe any queasiness or headache caused by movement, and get out there to explore!

Get More Travel Tips for Families

Read my tips for cruising with kids of all ages.

Make the most of your time on the road with these family road trip tips.

Learn what to do if you get sick on a cruise.

Enjoy your next flight with these tips for flying with babies and toddlers.

Tips to Avoid Motion Sickness When Traveling with Kids

Do you have another motion sickness remedy for children or adults? Let us know in the comments below!

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